Maturity - From a Child To a Son
by Jay-Wayne
A Child has the same rights, blessings, gifts given, and love provided to him. However, a child grows into a mature son that then has responsibilities to the Father. These responsibilities not only include applying the things the Father has espoused unto that son, but also the responsibility to now take care of the things that belong to the Father.
God has given us the spirit of adoption (Romans 8:15) for ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Everyone has been given this gift of Love and Adoption through Jesus death on the cross. However, the mature (born again Son of God) does not take this gift of life for granted as the Child does. This mature son has a respect, love, and feeling of gratitude and indebtedness to the Father for this gift of adoption, and also a responsibility now to do his will.
Obedience comes through developing a Fear (Love) of the Father. Once we are rid of our stubbornness we are ready to learn what it takes to become a mature son who walks circumspectly and justly in this world..... Doing the will of the Father.....
Hebrews 6:1-3 In a nutshell is telling us to not just keep banging away at the simple basic truths of salvation. Repentance, Baptism, and Spirit Filling is only the beginning of our walk with God. In fact it is the same a being a new born baby We must grow up and accept our responsibilities to God for all the blessings he has provided for us by adopting us into his fold... family.